27 Oct Karma Rottnest Golf Club

Karma Rottnest Golf Club
The new Island Manager in 1959 was Des Sullivan, a highly decorated wartime pilot. His passion was playing golf. He loved the game and thought a golf course on this favourite holiday destination was a must. It took some time to convince the Rottnest Island Board. On February 3, 1960 approval was given to go ahead. An inaugural meeting was held and Committee Members elected. It was resolved to form a public golf course with a private club within it and for men and women to be equal members. The official opening of the club was scheduled for August 20, 1961, and two West Australian Newspaper identities Paul Rigby and Bernie Kirwan Ward were invited to open the course. The Rottnest Island Golf Club was born.
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0438 493 325
30 minute ferry from Fremantle.
Public 9 Holes
Par 70
Lengths: M 5329, L: 4671
Greens: Paspalum
Fairways: Paspalum / Couch
ACR: 67
9 holes: $25
18 holes $50
Carts $40
Enclosed footwear, no singlets