12 Jan Maylands Peninsula Golf Course

Maylands Peninsula Golf Course
At Maylands Peninsula Public Golf Course we have everything for the Golfer, from practice facilities to all of your golfing equipment needs. Our friendly staff in our Pro Shop are PGA trained and certified to give advice. Our Proshop stocks all the latest equipment including clubs, buggies, shoes, balls and all other golfing accessories. We also do repairs on clubs, fit new grips and much more. Our 18 hole course is a scenic treasure, only minutes from the centre of Perth.
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9370 3211
10 minutes East of Perth
Swan Bank Road
Established 1994
18 Holes, Par 71. ACR 69
M 5616m, L 5040m
Greens – Bent
Fairways – Santa Anna
Club Professional –
Nigel Williams
Dress Code
Neat casual, no singlets or thongs
$27 – 18 Holes (con. $21)
$20 – 9 Holes (con. $16)
$34 – 18 Holes
$26 – 9 Holes
Cart Hire
$40 – 18 Holes
$25 – 9 Holes